
Сообщения за январь, 2022
  The concept of producing cheap green hydrogen by electrolysis of water and with an internal energy cycle.   Today, two problems are very acute all over the world - cheap renewable green energy and capturing CO2 from the Earth's atmosphere.   20 countries from different continents have already pledged to completely abandon the use of coal for electricity generation. Italy is implementing such a plan by 2025, and Finland by 2030. The Netherlands will close all coal-fired power plants in the country by 2030, France by 2023 and the UK by 2025. Canada also plans to be coal-free by 2030. In Germany alone, 84 coal-fired power plants will be closed.   We have already talked about the problem of capturing CO2 earlier. Ejecting 50 billion tons of CO2 into the Earth's atmosphere every year, it is ridiculous to talk about projects that can ensure the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere in the amount of one hundred thousand tons or even a million tons. First, we n...