We are looking for a partner to implement a free energy project
fuel and energy complex is the basis of the economy of any country. The
successful development of not only all sectors of the national economy, but
also the standard of living in the country as a whole depends on its condition.
At the same time, about a quarter of the world's population does not have
access to electricity. Most of these people live in rural, remote areas of the
poorest countries in the world.
project involves the creation of a highly efficient alternative source of
renewable energy.
initiative group of scientists and engineers from Ukraine has been working for
many years in the field of creating new technologies, and has developed a
fundamentally new and very powerful alternative source of cheap, renewable and
environmentally friendly energy - an oxygen power plant.
is an innovative development that can turn the generally accepted ideas about
energy on its head. In this project, the process of ionization of pure oxygen
is used for the first time to generate heat without the simultaneous use of
hydrocarbon or any other fossil fuel.
is a highly efficient breakthrough technology capable of providing cheap
thermal, mechanical and electrical energy for all the needs of humanity for the
entire period of its existence and regardless of its population growth in the
future and the growth of its consumption of any types of energy.
the same time, oxygen energy technology is very economically advantageous for
both energy consumers and manufacturers of such energy plants of various
capacities and for various consumers.
plant is an original heat engine, which uses atmospheric oxygen as fuel. When
this machine is operating, the following points occur that are worth paying
attention to:
In this heat engine, there is no combustion (oxidation) process of fuel, as in
conventional engines, although the basis of its operation is also a thermal
The oxygen heat engine uses almost the same amount of oxygen to generate a
certain amount of energy as any existing heat engine, but without the use of
hydrocarbon fuel.
The volume of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere is more than 1.5×1015t, and if
we assume that the entire Earth civilization would completely switch to oxygen
energy, then in hundreds of years less than 1% of the oxygen in the Earth's
atmosphere would pass through heat engines.
into account the oxygen reserves in the waters of the world's oceans, which are
more than a thousand times greater than the reserves of atmospheric oxygen,
oxygen would become an ideal fuel, even without its restoration.
The ecological situation on Earth is threatened not by the consumption of its
oxygen, but by the pollution of the atmosphere by the oxidation products of
hydrocarbon fuels, which are emitted by existing heat engines.
And finally, the specific power of such a power plant is similar to or exceeds
this figure for nuclear power plants, and is hundreds of times higher than this
figure for other alternative energy sources - wind, solar and other stations.
technology has been developed for the release of thermal energy during the
process of oxygen ionization, special conditions for the catalysis of this
process, as well as various options for converting this thermal energy into
mechanical or electrical energy.
oxygen power plant is a complex heat engine that uses oxygen as its fuel, or
more precisely, some of its physical properties. Such a plant is equipped with
a system for extracting oxygen from the atmosphere, which makes the process of
obtaining oxygen much simpler and an order of magnitude cheaper than obtaining
it from water.
block diagram below gives an idea of how a thermal oxygen power plant works.
The oxygen power plant
consists of a set of units designed to perform various operating functions:
1. The oxygen station extracts
oxygen from the atmosphere, providing the power plant with oxygen in a
direct-flow mode.
2. The oxygen reactor ensures
the controlled reaction of transformation (controlled ionization) of oxygen
with the release of heat, and also makes this process fully automatic. The
reactor also provides its own protection against overheating due to stray heat
dissipated inside the reactor.
3. The complex of thermobaric
stabilization of the working process allows to reduce the enormous pressure and
temperature of the oxygen transformation process to a level suitable for use in
final power units. It can also change the chemical composition of the
high-temperature gas coming from the reactor to the final power or power unit.
4. The final power or power
unit allows to use the thermal energy of the plant or convert it into
mechanical or electrical energy.
The final power unit of an
oxygen power plant can be a steam power plant, a gas turbine or a piston
external combustion engine, which are designed to perform useful work.
A kilogram of oxygen, passing
through the reactor of the plant, releases about 15 MJ of thermal energy. At
the same time, the overall efficiency of an oxygen power plant is up to 49%.
When such a power plant
operates in the thermal power plant mode, its efficiency will be up to 80%.
In this case, the process of "combustion" of oxygen as a fuel is carried out in a rather complex thermal unit - an oxygen reactor - the product of which is used in a steam power plant, a gas turbine or a piston engine of an original design with automatically changing operating parameters and a set of auxiliary systems. The "combustion" products of such power units, emitted into the atmosphere, are practically non-toxic, which makes these energy sources environmentally friendly.
Layout diagram of the power
A characteristic feature of
the oxygen power plant is that when used as a power plant, it can operate in a
fully automatic mode and independently adjust to changes in the load connected
to it, maintaining the required current frequency. In this case, load
fluctuations can change even 10 times - the power plant will operate smoothly,
stably and with maximum efficiency, since along with the change in load, the
operating capacity of the station will change proportionally.
Another feature of such an
electric or thermal station is the possibility of its manufacture in a mobile
version (on heavy-duty vehicles), and this possibility is retained for stations
with a capacity of up to 3-5 MW. This will allow, in the event of any
emergency, to quickly and effectively provide the affected areas with heat and
The development team has been
working on the proposed oxygen power plant project for more than eight years,
and on the topic of oxygen energy itself - more than 15 years.
During this time, the
following has been accomplished:
1. A refutation of the
currently existing hypotheses on the causes of oxygen explosions has been
developed, with calculations of the inconsistency of these hypotheses provided.
2. A detailed theoretical
justification for the oxygen activation process has been developed - its
spontaneous ionization with the release of a large amount of energy.
3. Detailed calculations of
the processes that ensure the release of energy by oxygen have been carried
4. The fundamental development
has been carried out and the design details of the necessary bench equipment
for the project have been worked out.
5. One of the special benches
has been created, demonstrating the possibility of activating oxygen even in
atmospheric air.
6. An algorithm for bench
tests of the project for energy potential, optimal operating modes, structural
strength and selection of structural materials has been developed.
7. Hundreds of experiments
have been carried out with various input parameters, but always with the same
output result.
8. Theoretical calculations
for working with benches have been carried out and substantiated, and the
approximate results of future bench tests of the project have been determined.
9. A comprehensive package of
technologies (know-how) for oxygen power engineering has been developed.
10. The operating parameters
of all units and assemblies of the power plant have been calculated, and
optimal operating modes of all components of the plant have been theoretically
11. An algorithm for testing
the power plant and its individual units has been developed.
12. A project has been
developed for creating an experimental oxygen power plant in several versions,
differing in power, automation level, as well as cost and implementation time.
We have reached the stage of
creating an experimental demonstration power plant operating on atmospheric
oxygen, and this work can be carried out as a single project, as we have
proposed, or by dividing it into separate stages, but this will take a little
longer and be more expensive, with the same result.
Two versions of this project
have now been developed for implementation - a simpler and cheaper version and
a more complex and expensive version of the power plant. The principle of their
energy generation is the same, but the operating principles of individual units
and mechanisms are different. The first option is a slow-moving unit, the
second option is a high-speed and more powerful unit.
Each of the options can be
divided into three separate stages, each of which will lead to the creation of
a separate self-sufficient part of the project - a functional unit that
confirms the operability of the technologies and can be sold to a third party
for an amount tens or hundreds of times greater than the cost of creating these
In this proposal, we will focus
on a simpler version of the oxygen power plant, as it is cheaper and can be
implemented in a shorter time.
1) The first stage is the creation of an oxygen processor that releases
energy from oxygen in a pulsed (non-automatic) mode. The mechanism will
demonstrate that during its operation, 8 times more thermal energy is released
than the energy spent on its operation. This is an amazing result that can be
observed visually or measured with instruments. And this result cannot be
The implementation time for this stage will be 10-12 months with funding
in the amount of 3.6 million dollars.
2) The second stage is the creation of an automatic oxygen processor that
releases energy from oxygen in a low-frequency pulsed mode. The mechanism will
demonstrate that during its operation, 8 times more thermal energy is released
than the energy spent on its operation, and this energy is released in a
continuous flow. This is a more spectacular and amazing result.
The implementation time of this stage will be up to 12 months with
funding in the amount of 7.6 million dollars.
3) The third stage involves adding a mechanism for converting thermal
energy into mechanical energy to the automatic oxygen processor. A mechanism
similar to a steam engine will be created, the fuel for which will be only
oxygen. Then anything can be connected to this engine - even wheels or an
electric generator.
The implementation time of this stage will be 6-8 months with funding in
the amount of 4.4 million dollars.
Thus, the entire project "A" can be implemented in 28-32 months
with a total funding of 15.6 million dollars.
It should be taken into account that the cost and terms for this project
are indicated here on the condition of its implementation in Ukraine. If it is
implemented in another country, the cost of the project will increase by 4-7
times, and the terms of its implementation - by 1.5-2 times.
It should also be taken into account that after the completion of the
first stage of the project, its capitalization will grow to several billion
dollars, which will allow receiving any additional funding from various
sources. After the project is completed, its value will increase to hundreds of
billions of dollars.
The proposed project for the creation of a new generation thermal power
plant has a significant positive impact on reducing the burden on the
environment, especially in the region of its implementation.
The implementation of the products of this project will allow:
- to significantly reduce the formation of carbon dioxide emitted into
the atmosphere;
- to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels many times;
- to reduce emissions of sulfur and other harmful substances into the
atmosphere of the planet;
- to save millions of hectares of forest from being cut down for firewood
every year.
The proposed project will also have a very strong social impact on
various processes taking place throughout the world.
1) The introduction of oxygen energy technologies will reduce the price
of thermal and electrical energy by 3-5 times, which will expand the use of the
benefits of electricity to almost all inhabitants of the Earth, regardless of
their economic status and their distance from traditional energy sources.
2) Reducing the cost of energy will inevitably lead to a decrease in the
cost of any goods, including food products, which again is aimed at improving
the standard of living of the poorest segments of the planet's population.
3) Saturating the market with cheap energy will inevitably lead to an
increase in the production of food crops, since there will be no need to use
huge areas of cultivated land for the production of industrial crops, which are
currently used to produce biofuel. This will increase the area for growing
food, which is again beneficial in terms of providing the poorest population of
the Earth with affordable food.
4) Reducing the cost of heat and electricity will lead to a significant
decrease in the cost of utilities, which will have a positive effect on the
budgets of settlements and on savings directly by residents of these
settlements, increasing their well-being.
5) A significant decrease in the cost of mechanical and electrical energy
will lead to a significant decrease in the cost of transport services,
primarily in sea and rail transport, and this will have a positive effect on
the cost of transported goods and on the well-being of ordinary people using
this transport. 6) The increase in the well-being of ordinary people, which
will inevitably come from the reduction in the cost of energy, will increase
their purchasing power. People will begin to buy more of other goods, and this
will revive the world market.
6) The increase in the
well-being of ordinary people, which will inevitably come from the reduction in
the cost of energy, will increase their purchasing power. People will begin to
buy more other goods, and this will revive the world market.
7) Reduction in the level of
extraction of natural resources (fuel), and therefore saving the earth from its
devastation with subsequent costs for its reclamation.
8) Ensuring the availability
of cheap energy anywhere on the globe will make senseless military and
political conflicts, which are increasingly occurring due to the desire to
control sources of fossil fuels.
The oxygen power plant
described above is an alternative energy unit capable of generating absolutely
clean thermal, mechanical or electrical energy, without any pollution of the
environment. For energy or electrical stations of any capacity, developed on
the basis of the new technologies described above, absolutely no fuel is
Consequently, such power
plants can be located in any area, in close proximity to residential or
industrial facilities, for the energy supply of which they are intended. At the
same time, there is no need for expensive multi-kilometer power lines, which,
moreover, are easily subject to destruction under internal and external
negative influences: energy overload of lines, terrorist attacks, destructive
natural phenomena.
Wide use of oxygen power
plants will allow abandoning hydrocarbon energy in any areas of its
application. Also, any type of natural energy that exists today - wind, hydro,
solar, etc. will not even come close to competing in terms of specific power
and profitability with oxygen energy.
According to the developers,
the proposed project for the implementation of oxygen energy can bring a
significant increase in the level of well-being of all inhabitants of the
Earth, and provide all its direct participants with a high and stable income.
This project can help in
solving several major problems of earthly civilization and deserves special
attention from potential investors.
Best regards, Oleksandr
Kostrytskyi , CEO "ION" Energy-saving technologies LTD
My WhatsApp +380675066940
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