Local climate change and climate stations

Designing of an experimental hydro technical station of a local climate change or changes in ambient temperature in a limited open area of up to several tens of square kilometers.

1. Introduction

Today, a Man has the opportunity of uncontrolled influence on the environment and climate, both globally and locally. In general, such changes are associated with various ways of obtaining energy generated for the operation of human civilization


Nuclear power station.                                               Hydroelectric power station.


Deforestation.                                                            The results of ameliorators’ work.

Agriculture, deforestation around the world and other inconsiderate activities of mankind have a role to play in this.
But a Man can not ensure a positive change in the climate or only the temperature conditions of his existence yet, except for air conditioning of premises, and even in this case so much energy is spent on it that its reproduction only aggravates the situation in general.

2. The relevance of the project

It will be natural to assume that the possibility of controlled local climate change or even just temperature conditions will be positively accepted by mankind or by the inhabitants of individual countries or cities.

This may apply to both areas with a cold climate, where an increase in the ambient temperature is required, and to zones with an extremely warm climate, where a reduction in temperature is required.

In this project we are considering just the second option - the possibility of lowering the ambient temperature by up to 20-25 degrees and in the territory up to several tens of square kilometers.

The possibility of solving this problem will be relevant for various countries that are located in lowland, in dry and hot climate zone, at latitudes up to 40 degrees astride the equator. This is particularly relevant for such countries as Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
For residents of these regions the summer period, which is lasting 5-8 months, is very uncomfortable in terms of average daily temperature, not to mention the very low humidity and almost complete absence of precipitation.


And with each year the climate of these regions is getting worse, the average daily temperature rises and the desert comes to the treated areas.

The solution to these problems is hampered by the lack of new technologies that could allow at least local changes in climatic conditions to create comfortable living conditions, at least within the boundaries of small towns or special recreation areas

3. Purpose of the project

We can not stop increasing in the average daily temperature, but we can ensure the creation of huge artificial zones (oases) with a comfortable temperature regime or provide a temperature regime for existing medium-sized cities.

This project provides the development of the complex of hydro technical climate station (sketch design) for a local changes in temperature and humidity of an ambient air in a limited area (on an area of ​​10-100 km2), as well as the development of a service organization that provides the operation of such a station.
In addition, one such climate station can be a source of fresh water with a productivity of 150-300 thousand tons per month – a sufficient amount to create artificial freshwater reservoirs.

The cost of development of the project for the construction of an experienced local climate station with a link to it on the ground is about $ 25.0 million, with a project preparation period of up to 24 months.

The cost of the construction of such a climate station will be about $ 400.0 million, with the terms of putting it into operation about 36 months.

4. Description of the project

The project provides the development of a hydro technical station complex for a local climate in a limited open area. This station uses one of three possible ways of changing the temperature and humidity of the ambient air in the zone of its effective action with a radius of 3 to 6 kilometers

The operation of such a station makes it possible to convert every ton of hydrocarbon fuel used in it into 30 tons of fresh water while simultaneously removing 80 MW/h (290 GJ) of heat from the surrounding air, which will lead to a drop in its temperature.

Below are the preliminary indicative characteristics of the climate station of the local climate change:
The amount of capital investment in the construction of the station is $ 400.000.000.
The power consumption is about 6000 kWh.
The consumption of diesel fuel is 6.000 tons per month.
The number of employees is 300 people.
The volume of fresh water production is 180,000 tons per month.
The amount of energy allocated for lowering the temperature of the ambient air is 667 MW/h (480 GW/h per month).
Total monthly expenses for the station are about $ 15 million per month.
Payback of the project - 4 months of operation of the climate station.
The operating life of such climate station is not limited.

This project of a climate station can be combined with an oxygen energy project. That is, oxygen energy is able to replace the consumption of hydrocarbon fuel (in the amount of 6,000 tons per month) and provide energy for all the station's production processes.
At the same time, the total power of oxygen energy generation will be about 45 MW/h.
The use of oxygen in the complex of the station for local climate change will increase the total cost of the project by $ 120-140 million, but will make the entire cycle of operation of the climate station environmentally friendly. In addition, the use of oxygen energy generation will significantly reduce the overall operating costs for the operation of the climate station.

In the process of implementing of the project, a complex of a hydro technical station for local climate change is being developed, which can be created in the coastal zone of any state.

Based on theoretical calculations, the work of four such climate stations could significantly change the temperature regime of such cities as Doha, Abu Dhabi or even Kuwait, maintaining in them, in summer, a maximum air temperature of no higher than 35 degrees С° per day and up to 20-25 degrees C° at night. 


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